Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions. Please contact us if your question is not listed. We will do our best to alleviate any concerns you have so that you do not delay getting the help that you need.

What is counseling for?

Counseling is a relational process focused on addressing mental health problems or changes that clients want to make in their lives. Counselors help people with a variety of issues and have many different specialties. Our counselors have experience and interest in working with the following issues and more:

Cross-cultural relational stress and cultural adjustments

Depression, anxiety, and panic

History of childhood trauma or abuse

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Couple relational problems

Adult autism

Grief and loss

Spiritual confusion, guilt, and shame

Gender and sexual identity

Career changes and work difficulties

If we think that you would be better served by someone with a particular specialty or that your needs fall outside of our scope of practice, we will tell you and find you the best referral we can.

How long will counseling take?

It depends on your goals. Counseling is a client-directed process in which a professional comes alongside the client to accomplish certain goals. Those goals can be emotional, relational, spiritual, practical, or, often, all of the above. Accomplishing simpler goals may only require 12-20 sessions. More complicated and transformational goals can take months or years.

Every client is unique, but here are some examples of simpler goals that may take a shorter period of time:

Grieving a loss like a breakup or a friend moving away

Adjusting to a transition like a move or job change

Treating an initial onset of depression

Processing a recent, isolated traumatic event, or a limited part of your life story

Premarital counseling, or counseling couples with a shorter relational history

Here are some examples of more complex and transformational goals:

Grieving the loss of a close family member or friend

Processing a history of systemic trauma or abuse

Adjusting your style of relating to others or making characterological change

Answering existential or identity questions

Addressing a long-standing or severe anxiety or depression

Treating behavioral or substance addictions

Counseling couples with a long, complex relational history

This is a great topic to discuss with your counselor during your first session.

How do I pick the right therapist?

Usually, the best therapist for you is the one you are the most comfortable with. Every client is unique and has his or her specific needs. Likewise, each therapist has a different approach to therapy, a different personality, and a different background. It is OK to consider these factors when making your choice. Also, we encourage you to tell your therapist if you are not comfortable or need something different than what you are experiencing. We are here to help, not to get in your way.

Should I meet online or in-person?

It is generally better to pick either online or in-person as your primary mode of treatment as you begin.

Research has provided evidence that online therapy services can be just as effective as in-person services (here are two examples: [1], [2]). Also, online therapy offers a convenient alternative for people who travel, who cannot leave their homes, or do not have therapy resources available locally.

Online therapy and in-person therapy do feel different from one another. Our counselors have years of experience providing both and understand the unique benefits and drawbacks to each. If you have the opportunity to choose between online or in-person meetings, we generally advise that you take advantage of the in-person option, but the choice ultimately lies with you.

How often will I meet for counseling?

We recommend meeting on a weekly basis and find that it produces the best results. However, we meet with some clients every other week, or on a different schedule as is required by their circumstances.

What language(s) do your counselors speak?

At this time all services are offered in English only. We are connected with counselors from various networks globally, so please ask if you need a referral for providers who speak other languages.

How do I prepare for my first counseling session?

This depends on whether your appointment will be in person or online. The first step in both cases is to contact us to schedule an intake appointment.

Then, if you are meeting with us in person:

Step 1: Download intake paperwork

Use the link at the bottom of the page to download, print, and fill out paperwork. This allows us to learn more about you and your goals for counseling. Bring your completed paperwork to your first appointment.

Step 2. Locate our office

You can find the address for our office and other contact information here. If you are having trouble locating us, reach out via email, WhatsApp or WeChat and we will do our best to help you.

If you are meeting with us online:

Step 1. Choose a device and a video chatting application

Find a device you can use to video chat. Generally, computers and tablets are better than phones. We also prefer to use the application Zoom, but we can also use programs like Microsoft Teams and VSee. Let us know if a certain application will work best for you.

Step 2. Find a suitable location in your home to meet

Please try to find a place with a strong internet connection, comfort, and privacy. If you live with someone, find a meeting place where you won't be overheard.

Step 3. Download and submit intake paperwork

Fill out paperwork using the link below prior to your first session. To submit it, scan or take pictures of the form and email it to your counselor.

How much does counseling cost?

Our standard rate is $1,600 Hong Kong Dollars per counseling hour.

We can provide discounts on a limited basis based on financial need if you fill out an application. Download our fee reduction application form here.

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